Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pit stop

Okay-you can't make this stuff up…it was a real white knuckle ride thru the highlands-oncoming trucks crossing the center line, sending  me into the rim of the road (no shoulder). I saw this stream along Loch Lomond and got out to splash cool water on my face. While that was happening, Jo Ellen looked at a nearby plaque, and said "you know, 7 dudes were decapitated and the killers washed their heads there".
It turns out I had just washed my face in the Well of the Seven Heads.
They found the 7, killed them and washed their heads in the stream and presented them to the chief.
This monument marks the spot and tells the story. Those are seven heads at the top.

Some pictures from Glencoe. We didn't visit the actual massacre site. After the massacre, many of those who managed to flee died of exposure in these hills.
After putting a nice scrape and almost taking off my drivers side mirror threading the needle between a stone fence and oncoming truck, we stopped to chill at Loch Lomond with the midges-little gnat looking bugs that like to feast on human flesh.
Avon "skin so soft" works well as a repellant.

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